Screaming Lord Sutch was probably one of the most eccentric and outrageous performers who appeared in Britain during the last century, with his 18 inch long hair since the early Sixties, his amazing make-ups, his trademark lame top hat and leopardskin jacket festooned with rosettes and badges. The non-conformist entertainer remained a real thorn in the side of the Establishment for over 3 decades.
Between 1963 and 1999, he was also one the UK's longest serving political leader, heading The 'Sod Em All Party', The 'Go To Blazes Party' and the Monster Raving Loony Party. But of course he never came close to winning an election. Even though some of the policies he advocated in the Sixties were later adopted by the mainstream parties: the right to vote at 18, abolishing the 11-plus school exams, all-day pub opening etc.
His enigmatic and colourful character was in fact the mixture of various influences:
inspired by illusionist Max Miller, Dave Sutch was always dressing up in magicians' cloaks and top hats while his musicians were wearing animal skins and stone-age gear as Wee Willy Harris did at The 2 I's; and like Screamin' Jay Hawkins, he had builded an horror act with morbid props such as coffin, skulls, fire ect...
Sutch inspired himself a host of long-forgotten imitators such as e.g. Karl & The Vampires, Count Lindsay the 3rd & The Skeletons, Frankestein & The Monsters, Ray Satan & The Devils or the French rocker "Hector The Chopin of Twist". He would eventually influence more well known acts such as Arthur Brown, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne and Marilyn Manson among others.
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